Τζίμας Γεώργιος Γενικός Χειρουργός
Διευθυντής Τμήματος Χειρουργικής Ήπατος & Χοληφόρων ΥΓΕΙΑΕκπαίδευση & Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
- Ιατρική Σχολή Εθνικό Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
- Ειδικότητα Rhode Island Hospital, Department of Surgery, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
- Υποειδικότητα Jackson Memorial Hospital, Department of Transplantation, Miami University, Miami, USA
- Υποειδικότητα Royal Victoria Hospital, Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Transplantation, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- Masters in Experimental Surgery (MSc), McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Διδακτορική Διατριβή
Ιατρική Σχολή Εθνικό Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
Επαγγελματική Προϋπηρεσία
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Section of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Fletcher Allen Healthcare Center, University of Vermont, Vermont, USA
Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης ΔΘΚΑ Υγεία
Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος Τμήμα Χειρουργικής Ήπατος Χοληφόρων ΔΘΚΑ Υγεία
Κλινικό & Ερευνητικό Ενδιαφέρον
Κλινικό ενδιαφέρον:
Outcomes Research στην χειρουργική ήπατος
Εφαρμογή πρωτοκόλλων ERAS στην χειρουργική ήπατος
Χημειοεμβολισμός ( TACE) στο ηπατοκυτταρικό καρκίνωμα
Ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον:
Ο ρόλος των προπροτεινών PC1 PC2 στισ ηπατικές μεταστάσεις
Διακρίσεις & Βραβεία
February 2002 Clinical Trainee Award from the Canadian Society of Transplantation
June 2000 Chief Resident Award 2000, Department of Surgery, Brown University School of Medicine
June 2000 Teaching Resident Award, Department of Surgery, Brown University School of Medicine
May 2000 Trainee Award Grant from the American Society of Transplantation for participation in the Joint Meeting of ASTS and AST in Chicago, 2000
June 1999 Humanitarian Award, Department of Surgery, Brown University School of Medicine
Πρόσφατες Δημοσιεύσεις
Jenna S, Caruso ME, Emadali A, Nguyen DT, Dominguez M, Li S, Roy R, Re-boul J, Vidal M, Tzimas GN, Bosse R, Chevet E. Regulation of Membrane Traf-ficking by a Novel Cdc42-related Protein in Caenorhabditis elegans Epithelial Cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell, in Press Jan. 2005.
Anouk Emadali, Duc Thang Nguyen, Caroline Rochon, George N. Tzimas, Peter P. Metrakos, Eric Chevet. Distinct Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Responses are Triggered During Human Liver Transplantation. Journal of Pathology, in Press, Jan 2005.
George Nicolas Tzimas, Eric Chevet, Sarah Jenna, Duc Thang Nguyen, Abdel Majid Khatib, Victoria Marcus, Yi Zhang, Michel Chretien, Nabil Seidah, Peter. Metrakos. Abnormal expression and processing of the proprotein convertases PC1 and PC2 in human colorectal liver metastases. BMC Cancer 2005, 5:149.
Peter J. Horton, Prosanto Chaudhury, Tammy Znajda, John B. Martinie, Caroline Rochon, George N. Tzimas, Peter Metrakos. Novel Two-Step Hepatic Resection for lesions between the middle hepatic vein and vena cava which allows the middle hepatic vein to be preserved. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery in Press.
Han K, Tzimas G, Metrakos P, Hilzenrat N, Wong P, Deschenes M, Preoperative alpha-fetoprotein slope is predictive of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology in Press.
Fariba Kalantari, Dengshun Miao, Anouk Emadali, George N. Tzimas, David Goltzman, Hojatollah Vali, Eric Chevet, Patrick Auguste, Cellular and molecular mechanisms of abnormal calcification following ischemia – reperfusion injury in human liver transplantation, Modern Pathology, 20; 357-366, 2007.
George N. Tzimas , Jean I. Tchervenkov, Marc Deschenes, Phil Wong, Hussein Hayati, Elliot Alpert, Jeffrey S. Barkun, Peter Metrakos. The impact of universal leukoreduction of red cell transfusions on early acute rejection in adult liver trans-plantation. Clinical Transplantation in Press.
Patrick Auguste, Fariba Kalantari, Dengshun Miao, Anouk Emadali, George N. Tzimas, Hojatollah Vali, Eric Chevet.Proteomics analysis of liver pathological calcification suggests a role for the IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 in myofibroblast function. Proteomics- Clinical Applications in Press.
Bhat M, Hassanain M, Simoneau E, Tzimas GN, Chaudhury P, Deschenes M, Valenti D, Ghali P, Wong P, Cabrera T, Barkun J, Tchervenkov JI, Metrakos P, Magnitude of change in alpha-fetoprotein in response to transarterial chemoembo-lization predicts survival in patients undergoing liver transplantation for hepatocel-lular carcinoma, Curr Oncol. 2013 Oct;20(5):265-72.
Moraitis D, Karanikou M, Liakou C, Dimas K, Tzimas G, Tseleni-Balafouta S, Patsouris E, Rassidakis GZ, Kouvaraki MA, SIN1, a critical component of the mTOR-Rictor complex, is overexpressed and associated with AKT activation in medullary and aggressive papillary thyroid carcinomas, Surgery. 2014 Dec;156(6):1542-8