Papaioannou Georgia Pediatric Radiologist
Director, Pediatric Imaging DepartmentEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Athens Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Radiology Residence: 2nd Dept of Radiology, Athens Medical School, University of Athens
- Fellowship in Pediatric Radiology: Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Trust, London, UK
- PhD: Medical School, University of Athens “Metallic stents. Application in treatment of iliac artery atherosclerotic disease”, 15/1/2004
- in treatment of iliac artery atherosclerotic disease”, 15/1/2004
Scientific societies’ membership, reviewer
Hellenic Radiological Society
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
RSNA (Radiological society of North America)
General Medical Council – UK
ESPR (European Society of Pediatric Radiology)
Acta Paediatrica
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology
European Journal of Radiology
Hellenic Radiology
Fetal Task Force of European Pediatric Radiology Community
Previous professional experience
Consultant Radiologist, 2nd Dept of Radiology, Medical School University of Athens, Attikon Hospital
Consultant Pediatric Radiologist, Royal London Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
Pediatric Radiology Fellow, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London, UK
Scientific Associate, 2nd Dept of Radiology, Athens Medical School, Eugenidion Hospital
Clinical and Research Interest
Pediatric Radiology, Fetal MRI
Special application of Pediatric MRI (MR enterography, MR Urography)
Outstanding educational poster award from WFPI in IPR pediatric radiology meeting, May 2016
2016 Paediatric Virology Award in Paediatric Radiology during 2nd Workshop on Paediatric Virology
Most viewed scientific exhibit: Placental Imaging in a High-filed open MRI: Practicalities and initial findings.ECR2018/C-2057,EPOS
Presentation of scientific poster “Placental Imaging in a High-filed open MRI: Practicalities and initial findings. ECR 2018” at the radiological educational site AuntMinnie Europe
2018 Paediatric Virology Award in Paediatric Radiology during 4th Workshop on Paediatric Virology
Authorship in scientific books
Chapter “Imaging diagnosis and follow-up of congenital lung anomalies” in “Inherited and Congenital Lung disease”, 3rd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, p 172-186, 2nd Volume, Athens 2012
Chapter “Imaging Principles in Pediatric Oncology” in “Imaging in Clinical Oncology”. Springer 2013.
4 chapters in “PET/CT in Lymphomas”. Lymphomas in Children and Adolescents. Springer 2016..
Imaging in Clinical Oncology. Revision. Springer 2018.
Recent publications
Papaioannou, C. Young, C. M. Owens. Multidetector row CT for imaging the paediatric tracheobronchial tree. Pediatr Radiol 2007; 37: 515-529. DOI 10.1007/s00247-007-0434-0.
Papaioannou, NJ. Sebire, K. McHugh. Imaging of the unusual pediatric “blastomas”. Cancer Imaging 2009; 9:1-11.
Papaioannou, G. Koussidis, L. Michala. Magnetic resonance imaging visualization of a vaginal septum. Fertil Steril 2011; 96(5):1193-4.
Papaioannou, I. Kambas, M. Tsaoussoglou, P. Panaghiotopoulou-Gartagani, G. Chrousos, A.G. Kaditis. Age-dependent changes in the size of adenotonsillar tissue in childhood: implications for sleep-disordered breathing. J Pediatr 2013 Feb; 162(2):269-274.e4.doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.07.041.Epub 2012 Aug 30.
Papaioannou. Multimodality Imaging of Viral Infections in Children: CNS and beyond. Int J Mol Med 2016; 38: S65.
Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Rusan M, Melidou A, Korovessi P, Papaioannou G, Papatheodoropoulou A, Koutsaftiki C, Liston M, Sourvinos G., Spandidos DA. Paediatric Virology and its interaction between basic sicence and clinical practice (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2018; 41: 1165-1176.
Michala L, Vlachopapadopoulou E, Tsimaris P, Papaioannou G, Paisiou A, Peristeri I, Michalacos S, Kitra V. Resolution of Hematocolpos in Adolescents Affected with Graft vs Host Disease. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2018; 31:536-539.
Pastroma A, Papaioannou G, Raissaki M, Alexopoulou E. The common among the rare: A pictorial essay of the most common diffuse lung diseases in children. Can Assoc Radiol J 2018; 69:468-478.
Mammas IN, Theodoridou M, Thiagarajan P, Melidou A, Papaioannou G, Korovessi P, Koutsaftiki C, Papathodoropoulou A, Calachanis M, Dalianis T, Spandidos DA. A paediatric influenza update 100 years after the Skyros island Spanish flu outbreak. Exp Ther Med 2019; 17:4327-4336.
Electronic papers
E.N.Brountzos, G.Papaioannou, E.Alexopoulou, D.A. Kelekis. Arteriovenous Malformation of the Foot: Management with Transcatheter Embolization with PVA and Alcohol. Case Club. www.scvir.org. Case 0200 05. (January 2000)
Papaioannou G, Tavernaraki K, Kelekis DA. Myositis ossificans of the gluteal muscles. URL: http://www.eurorad.org/case.php?id=3091 May 5 2008
Papaioannou G, Nassis N, Kelekis DA. Transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter demonstrated with computed-tomography. URL: http://www.eurorad.org/case.php?id=3085, Apr 30 2009
G. Papaioannou. Panorama HFO ideal for fetal and pediatric scans. NetForum Community, 2010
Organizing committee in international meetings
ESPR 2012, May 28-June 1 2012, Athens, Greece
Lectures in recent international meetings
Papaioannou. Bone Tumors. ESPR 2012, May 28-June 1 2012, Athens, Greece. S442-443
Papaioannou. Pediatric GI Ultrasound. “Appendicitis”. 27th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Euroson 2015, November 6-8 2015, Athens.
Papaioannou. Multimodality imaging of viral infections in Children; CNS and beyond. 2nd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, 21st World Congress on Advances in Oncology & 19th International Symposium of Molecular Medicine, October 6-8, 2016, Athens, Greece.
Alexopoulou, A. Pastroma, G. Papaioannou, M. Raissaki. Imaging interstitial lung disease in children: update 2017. EPOS, A-103, invited speaker, ECR 2017, DOI: 10.1594/ecr2017/A-103.
Papaioannou. Foetal and neonatal brain imaging in viral infections. 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, 7th October 2017, Athens.
Papaioannou. Radiology issues of influenza in children. 4th Workshop on Paediatric Virology, September 22nd 2018, Athens, Greece.
Papaioannou. Fetal brain MRI. Erasmus Course MRI. Central Nervous System II. Spinal and pediatric imaging. September 1-5, 2019. Crete.
Papaioannou. Imaging in children with RSV infection. 5th Workshop on Paediatric Virology, 12th October 2019, Sparta.
Presentations in recent international meetings
Papaioannou, C. Meleti, G. Manganas, G. Rigas, G. Velonakis, J. Spigos, S. Yarmenitis, I. Andreou, D. Spigos. Can the iPad be used in the diagnosis of lung disease in Chest X-rays of neonates and infants?: Preliminary results. 37th Postgraduate Course & 51st Annual Meeting ESPR 2014 June 2-6, Amsterdam. O026, p 17
Papaioannou, E. Manopoulou, M. Tsaoussoglou, P. Panaghiotopoulou-Gartagani, G. Chrousos, A. Kaditis. Adenotonsilar tissue size in prematurely-borm children with snoring: An MRI study. European Respiratory Society 2015 International Congress, 26-30 September 2015, Amsterdam, PA4167
Tagalakis, I. Zampelis, P. Trimis, C. Malamateniou, G. Papaioannou. Fetal body MRI: Is it feasible and diagnostic in a 1.0-Tesla open magnet? Practicalities and image quality evaluation. C-2228, ECR 2016, 2-6 March 2016, Vienna. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-2228
Manopoulou, G. Magganas, C. Meleti, S. Yarmenitis, P. Tagalakis, G. Papaioannou. Beyond the sacral dimple: Imaging approach of the lumbrosacral spine in neonates and children. IPR 2016, 7th Conjoint Meeting and Exhibition. The International Pediatric Radiology. May 15-20 2016, Chicago IL, USA. EDU-021.
Papaioannou, E. Manopoulou, I. Vraka, G. Magganas, S. Yarmenitis, J. Zambelis, N. Kritikos. MRI of the neonatal and pediatric orbit. . IPR 2016, 7th Conjoint Meeting and Exhibition. The International Pediatric Radiology. May 15-20 2016, Chicago IL, USA. EDU-025.
Papaioannou, P. Tagalakis, C. Meleti, E. Manopoulou, S. Yarmenitis, N. Kritikos. Lumps and bumps of the head and neck in neonates, infants and children: spectrum of imaging findings. . IPR 2016, 7th Conjoint Meeting and Exhibition. The International Pediatric Radiology. May 15-20 2016, Chicago IL, USA. EDU-026.
Papaioannou, C. Meleti, E. Manopoulou, D. Loggitsi, S. Yarmenitis, L. Michalas. Müllerian duct anomalies in adolescents and young women: correlation of hysterosalpingonraphy and MRI. PD157-ED-X. RSNA 2016, November 27 – December 2, 2016, Chicago IL, USA.
Manopoulou, G. Manganas, C. Meleti, L. Tzarouchi, S. Yarmentitis, G. Papaioannou. Tilted head in children; what to expect when trauma is not the case. ControlNr:#0364, ESPR 2017, EPOS.
Papadakis, E. Vlachopapadopoulou, L. Petrikkos, A. Garoufi, G. Papaioannou, G. Sfakianos, K. Stafanaki, S. Michalacos, S. Polychronopoulou. Diabetes insipidus with decreasing pituitary stalk widening but metachronous skull LCH lesions. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society, October 3-4, 2017, Singapore. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 64 (S2), p S28, 2017.
Papaioannou, P. Tagalakis, I. Zambelis, N. Kritikos, C. Malamateniou. Placental Imaging in a High-filed open MRI: Practicalities and initial findings. ECR 2018 / C-2057, EPOS.
Tzifa A., Papaioannou G., Patris K., Kritikos N., Loggitsi D. Performance of cardiac MRI for congenital heart disease in a 1.0T High-Field Open magnet. AEPC 2018, May 9-12, Athens, Greece.
Papaioannou, C.Meleti, E. Manopoulou, S. Yarmenitis, L. MIchala. MRI of Mullerian duct anomalies in adolescents and correlation with hysterosaplingography. 40th Post Graduate Course & 54th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Berlin 18-22/06/2108. P150, S572.
Manopoulou, G. Manganas, L. Tzarouchi, I. Zampelis, G. Papaioannou. Dripping umbilicus in an infant: What a radiologist should not miss. 40th Post Graduate Course & 54th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Berlin 18-22/06/2108. P151, S573.
Manopoulou, C. Meleti, S. Yarmenitis, P. Tangalakis, G. Papaioannou. Abdominal cysts in infants and children: An imaging overview to present the variety of findings. 40th Post Graduate Course & 54th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Berlin 18-22/06/2108. P115, S556.
Fox M, Papaioannou G, Tagalakis T, Zambelis G, Gomes A, Pegoretti K, Malamateniou C. Fetal MRI: a literature review of methods to optimize patient comfort, safety and image quality. 17th World Congress in Fetal Medicine, 24-28 June 2018, Athens.
Papaioannou, L. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, C. Meleti, G. Manganas, S. Yarmenitis. MRI of sports-related injuries in children and young adolescents: An overview. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Papaioannou, P. Tagalakis, L. Tzarouchi, I. Zampelis, C. Malamateniou. 10-year results from imaging fetal posterior fossa in 1.0-t open mri system. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
C. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, G. Magganas, C. Meleti, G. Papaioannou. MRI findings of the pediatric eye and orbit. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Manopoulou, L. Tzarouchi, C. Meleti, G. Manganas, G. Papaioannou. Eight year old boy with a lump on his back. A case of intramuscular lipoma. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
C. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, C. Meleti, G. Magganas, G. Papaioannou. Back pain in a 10-year old child. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Papaioannou. Case presentation in Image Interpretation Session at the 17th Balkan Congress of Radiology (BCR 2019), October 17th-19th, Crete, Greece.
Chairing in international meetings
Papaioannou, L. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, C. Meleti, G. Manganas, S. Yarmenitis. MRI of sports-related injuries in children and young adolescents: An overview. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Papaioannou, P. Tagalakis, L. Tzarouchi, I. Zampelis, C. Malamateniou. 10-year results from imaging fetal posterior fossa in 1.0-t open mri system. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
C. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, G. Magganas, C. Meleti, G. Papaioannou. MRI findings of the pediatric eye and orbit. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Manopoulou, L. Tzarouchi, C. Meleti, G. Manganas, G. Papaioannou. Eight year old boy with a lump on his back. A case of intramuscular lipoma. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
C. Tzarouchi, E. Manopoulou, C. Meleti, G. Magganas, G. Papaioannou. Back pain in a 10-year old child. ESPR 2019, May 14-18, 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
Papaioannou. Case presentation in Image Interpretation Session at the 17th Balkan Congress of Radiology (BCR 2019), October 17th-19th, Crete, Greece.