Papaspyrou Georgios Ent specialist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 2007: Graduation Faculty of Medicine University of Athens, Note “Very Good”
- 2008-2016: ENT salaried Specialty in ENT Clinic, Universities of Marburg (Director: Prof. Dr. med. J.A. Werner), Göttingen (Director: Prof. Dr. med. C. Matthias) and Homburg/Saar, Germany (Director: Prof. Dr. med. B. Schick), PhD Thesis ENT Clinic, University, Marburg, Germany and salaried position as ENT Specialist/Registrar after acquiring the ENT Specialty, ENT Clinic, University of Homburg, Germany
- 2017-2018 PhD University of Athens: Breathing disorders in Sleep-Laboratory and Clinical Sleep Medicine
Courses-Workshops-Hands on Experience
- 9th Int.Training Course on Endoscopic and Microscopic Sinus Surgery, Marburg, Germany 2008
- 16th Int. Laser Course and 4th Course on Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), Marburg, Germany, 2015
- Active participation in the activities of Sleep Department of the ENT University Clinic, Mannheim, Germany, 2016
And in many others especially in Germany, Austria, USA but also in Greece
Working experience
2008-2015: ENT Registrar with salaried position in ENT Clinics, University of Marburg, University of Göttingen and University of Homburg/Saar, Germany
2015-2016: Position with salary as ENT Specialist after acquiring the ENT Specialty, ENT Clinic, University of Homburg, Germany
2018 – today: Associate Physician, HYGEIA Hospital
2018 – today: Associate Physician, MITERA Hospital
2018 – today: Private Practise in Korydallos
Doctoral Thesis
Retrospective examinations of the intra- and early postoperative course by the extirpation of the submandibular gland ENT Clinic Marburg University, Germany (2013)
Teaching experience
Lecturer at the University of Homburg, Germany
Assistant Professor Candidate at the University of Homburg, Germany (Topic: Laser Surgery for the Head and Neck Region)
Lecturer at the University of Athens for the PhD Program: Breathing disorders in Sleep-Laboratory and Clinical Sleep Medicine
Teaching ENT classes to Medical students and ENT doctors for 10 years, Universities of Marburg, Göttingen and Saarland University, Homburg, Germany
Holder of the diploma ΤΕΑCΗ ΤΗΕ ΤΕΑCΗΕR (prerequisite nowadays for the position of supervisor of doctoral thesis and for becoming Professor in German Universities)
Trainer in Ultrasound Course of the Medicine students of the 4 medical year, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany rated from students with excellent (mean 9.3/10) in teaching for 3 consecutive years
Trainer and supervisor of the young ENT residents in Sleep Endoscopy, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany
Supervisor of the doctoral thesis of 2 doctor of medicine candidates, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany
Participation with lectures at the education of students and the medical personnel, ENT Clinic, University of Marburg, Germany, ENT Clinic, University of Göttingen, Germany and ENT Clinic, University of Homburg/Saar, Germany
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Fellowship in Societies:
Athens Medical Association
Hellenic Society for ENT-Head & Neck Surgery
German Society for ENT-Head & Neck Surgery (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V.
Editorial Board member (after invitation) of the official Journal of all ENT doctors in Europe:
- European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck
Ad hoc Reviewer (after Invitation):
- European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Medical Science Monitor, talian Journal of Pediatrics, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, Austin Otolaryngology, Med Sci Case Rep, Acta Neurologica Belgica
Clinical and Research Interest
Clinical Interest – Diagnostic Possibilities
Otoneurology, Hearing loss, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Acute deafness, Meniere’s disease
Indications for hearing aids
Otitis, cholesteatoma, Tympanic membrane perforation, Otosclerosis, Facial serve palsy/paralysis
Nasal and paranasal polyps
Nasal septum deviation, Nasal turbinate hypertrophy
Allergic rhinitis, Acute/chronic sinusitis
Epistaxis, Smell/taste disorders, Eustachian tube dysfunction
Larynx/vocal cord conditions, Hoarse voice
Phoniatrics, Vocal cord calluses, papillomas, polyps, leukoplakia
Gastroesophageal/Laryngopharyngeal Reflux & Posterior laryngitis
Dysphagia/Difficulty swallowing liquids
Salivary gland conditions (parotid, submandibular gland)
- Salivary gland neoplasms, Sialolithiasis
Sleep Medicine-Somnology
- Obstructive Sleep apnea Syndrome (OSAS), Snoring
Pediatric ENT
Head & Neck Oncology Surgery
- Benign & Malignant nasal/parasanal, nasopharynx, oral cavity, oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal and laryngeal neoplasms, Cervical swelling
Other conditions
Tonsil conditions, adenoid hypertrophy
Bad breath, Foreign body sensation in the neck
Frenulum linguae/upper lip
Surgical Procedures:
Neck dissection, lymph node biopsy
Cervical excavation for removal of single swelling (branchial neck cyst, etc)
Salivary Gland Surgery (parotid, submandibular gland) / Stone removal
Tonsillectomy, Tonsillotomy, Endoscopic removal of adenoids
Oral cavity tumors (surgical removal/biopsy)
Phonosurgery – Vocal cord papillomas, polyps, cysts, nodules, granulomas, leukoplakia, calluses, Reinke’s edema with CO2 LASER
Vocal cord paralysis – Posterior cordotomy with CO2 LASER
Dilation material infusion in vocal cords
Larynx/hypopharynx cancer with CO2 LASER
Sleep endoscopy for anatomical structure detection leading to obstruction/snoring during sleep
Surgical treatment for snoring / sleep apnea – Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP), Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Lingual/upper lip frenectomy
Intratympanic injection (cortisone or gentamicin) in the middle ear for treatment of hearing loss, vertigo, tinnutus at doctor’s office
Eardrum paracentesis / ventilation tube insertion
Tympanoplasty (tympanic membrane perforation, cholesteatoma), Mastoidectomy
Endoscopic nasal turbinate hypertrophy submucosal cauterization with Diode Laser at the doctor’s office and endoscopic nasal septum deviation correction
Endoscopic nasal and paranasal surgery (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery / FESS) for sinusitis, polyps
Recurrent epistaxis, e.g. M. Osler, with Diode Laser at the doctor’s office
Endoscopic treatment of epistaxis/cauterization or ligation of sphenopalatine artery an
- Endoscopic removal/biopsy of nasal/paranasal/nasopharynx tumors
Most of these procedures are performed as:
- One Day Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery
Research Interest:
Laser Surgery of the head and neck (6 relevant articles in foreign scientific journals, 8 years salaried working experience in the biggest centers for laser Surgery in Europe– Marburg, Germany, Göttingen, Germany and Homburg/Saar, Germany)
Head and Neck Cancer (10 relevant articles in foreign scientific journals)
Sleep Medicine, Obstructive Sleep apnea Syndrome (PhD Program University of Athens instructor, Sleep Endoscopy tutor – trainer experience University of Homburg/Saar, Germany, Snoring research and therapy, Mandibular advancement devices)
Recent Publications
23 Peer-reviewed articles in medical Journals (Pubmed), 13 as first author, 1 as senior author, 278 citations in the literature, impact factor 41, h-index 7.