Karatzas Gavriel Surgeon
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Graduated University of Athens, 1966
- Training in General Surgery, 1967-1971
- Clinical Assistant in the grade of Senior Registrar St. George’s Hospital , London, United Kingdom 1972-1975
- Lecturer at the Medical School of the University of Athens, 1976
- Assistant Professor at the Medical School of the University of Athens, 1981
- Associate Professor at the Medical School of the University of Athens, 1994
- Professor of General Surgery Medical School of the University of Athens, 2003
- Professor and Chairman of 3rd Surgical Department Athens, School of Medicine, ‘’University General Hospital ATTIKON’’ 2003- 2010
- HYGEIA Hospital since 2012
Doctoral thesis
24hours preservation of Kidneys Transplant (June 1973).
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Greek Surgical Society
Greek Gastroenterology Society
Greek Surgical HBP Society
International Hepato-Pacreato-Biliary Association
European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR)
Follow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)
New York Academy of Sciences
Work Experience
Teaching Experience 35-years tuition of General Surgery to medical students of Athens University and training in General Surgery to junior doctors
10-years of various postgraduate courses (master) especially in the HBP Surgery.
Clinical & Research Interest
Surgery of the Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal tract. (open and lap. Surgery).
Biliary and pancreatic Surgery
Honors & Awards
Visiting Professor University of Yale, U.S.A. (1997).
New York Academy of Sciences (1998).
Emeritus Professor , Medical School, University of Athens, Greece (2011) .
Emeritus Doctor, Medical School, University of Thrace , Dimokritio (2015).
Recent Publications
Author and co-author of 100 peer review articles
Participation in Congress (domestic and abroad) :60
Citation over 1500
h-index: 21
Circulating VEGF levels in the Serum of Gastric Cancer Patients. (Annals of Surgery, Jul 230 (1) 37-42, 2002)
Pancreatic Pseudocysts. Karatzas G., Brit. J. Surg. 63 (1)55-59, 1976
Predicting Prognosis of gastric cancer : Limitations of metastatic lymph nodes number and promise of genomics. Liakakos T., Karatzas G., Ann Surg. Oncol. 16(5) 1422-3, 2009
Prognostic Factors in patients with locally-advanced (unresectable) or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a retrospective analysis. Papadonioy N., Kosmas C., …….Karatzas G., Tsavaris N., Anticancer Res. Jan-Feb 28(1B)543-9, 2008
Replication protein A is an independent prognostic indicator with potential therapeutic implications in colon cancer. Givalos N., Giakopoulou H., ………Karatzas G., Mod Path. Feb 20(2) 159-66, 2007. Can VEGF-D and VEGFR-3 be used as biomarkers for therapeutic decisions in patients with gastric cancer. Roukos DH., Liakakos T., Karatzas G., Kappas A.M., Nat. Clin. Pract. Oncol Aug 3(8) 419-9, 2006
Can VEGF-D and VEGFR-3 be used as biomarkers for therapeutic decisions in patients with gastric cancer .Roukos DH., Liakakos T., Karatzas G., Kappas A.M., Nat. Clin. Pract. Oncol Aug 3(8) 419-9, 2006
Primary liposarcoma of oesophagus : a case report. Liakakos T. D., Troupis T. G., ……..Karatzas G..World J Gastroenterol Feb 21:12(7) 1149-52, 2006