Chantziara Klio Endocrinologist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Certification in Adult Endocrine Ultrasonography, Hellenic National Ministry of Health, June 2017, Athens, Greece
- Endocrinology medical specialty, Health Directory Prefecture of Athens, 2013
- HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 1994 – 1998. Bachelor of Arts (AB) with Honors in Psychology and Biology (Cognitive Neuroscience), June 1998.
- HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 1998. Dissertation on “Influence of specific personality traits of patients suffering from migraines in their response to treatment with thermal biofeedback.”
- COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, USA. Summers of 1993, 1992 and 1991.
Doctoral thesis
NATIONAL KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE, Athens, Greece. 2002 – 2007. Doctoral Thesis (PhD) in Medicine, Surgical Department. Grade “Excellent”
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Associate member of Τhe Endocrine Society, USA
Associate member of the Hellenic Medical Society (HMS) of New York, USA
Member of the Swedish Medical Association
Member of the Athens Medical Association (ISA)
Member of the Hellenic Endocrine Society (EEE) – Hellenic Association of Endocrinologists
Member of the Hellenic Diabetes Association (ΕΔΕ)
Member of the Hellenic Society for the Study of Bone Metabolism (EEMMO)
Member of the Hellenic Association for the Study of Obesity, Metabolism and Food Disorders (EPAMEDI)
Member of the Harvard Alumni Association
Member of the Association of Graduate Students and PhD at the National University of Athens
Member of the Athens College Alumni Association (S.A.K.A.)
Poverty and High Cost of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Nigeria: Need for Multi-strategic Intervention, Advances in Endocrinology, 2016
Work Experience
HYGEIA HOSPITAL, Endocrinologist
MITERA HOSPITAL, Endocrinologist
PAPHOS GENERAL HOSPITAL, Endocrinologist, Paphos, Cyprus. 2016
LIMASSOL GENERAL HOSPITAL, Endocrinologist, Limassol, Cyprus. 2016
GENERAL HOSPITAL “EVAGGELISMOS”, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Athens, Greece. 2013 –2016. Clinical associate
251 GENERAL AIRFORCE HOSPITAL, Endocrinology Department, Athens, Greece. 2013 –2016. Clinical associate
GENERAL HOSPITAL “EVAGGELISMOS”, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Athens, Greece. 2007–2012. Fellow in Endocrinology in the Endocrinology Department/Clinic
ST. LUKE’S-ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL CENTER, University Hospitals of Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, New York, USA. March 2012 – September 2012. Participation/Presentations: Clinic, Consults, Grand Rounds, Bone Rounds, Journal Club, Conferences, Educational Meetings and other activities of the Endocrinology Division
251 GENERAL AIRFORCE HOSPITAL, Endocrinology Department, Athens, Greece. 2006 – 2007. Resident in the Endocrinology Department
GENERAL HOSPITAL “LAIKO”, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Athens, Greece. 2004 – 2006. Resident in Internal Medicine in the 1st Department of Internal Medicine, National Kapodistrian University of Athens
MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER, Department of Pediatric Oncology, New York, USA. Summer 2000. Clinical observer.
«BRIGHAM AND WOMEN’S» HOSPITAL, Department of Neurosurgery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Summers 1996 and 1995. Researcher.
GENERAL HOSPITAL “ELPIS”, Department of Vascular Surgery, Athens, Greece. Summer 1992. Trainee assistant.
Clinical & Research Interest
Certificate “Presentation Skills in Medical Science”, Management Development Institute (MDI), May 2016, Athens, Greece
GCP Certified, Good Clinical Practice and Master Class of Courses on Clinical Trials, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS, 2015
Training in Endocrine Ultrasound, Radiology Department, General Hospital “Georgios Gennimatas” , 2016- 2017, Athens, Greece
Training in Endocrine Ultrasound, Radiology Department, 251 General Airforce Hospital, 2016, Athens, Greece
Training Program “Treatment with insulin pumps”, Hellenic Diabetes Association, December 2013, Athens, Greece
Expert Class Medtronic Pump Therapy Training Program, November 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Advanced Hands-on Thyroid Ultrasound Course. The Endocrine Society, September 2012, Miami, Florida, USA
Endocrine Board Review. The Endocrine Society, September 2012, Miami, Florida, USA
Assistant MERI Foundation, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, March – September 2012, New York, USA
Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Thyroid, Reproductive Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology Clinic, “Evangelismos” Hospital, 2010 – 2012, Athens, Greece
Researcher in Immunohistochemistry Lab, Pathology Department. National Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2002 –2007, Athens, Greece
Student and assistant of the Lab at «Brigham and Women’s» Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery.Experience of Isolation of DNA, RNA, PCR technique and genetic polymorphisms. Summers of 1995-1996, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Clinical trials
GALAPAGOS INTERNATIONAL MULTICENTER RANDOMIZED TRIAL (2011 – 2012): Recruitment, screening, randomization, treatment and follow-up of subjects for the trial in the Endocrinology Department of the General Hospital “Evaggelismos”
Honors & Awards
Full Scholarship from Harvard College. Dean’s List, Elisabeth Cary Agassiz Certificate of Merit.
Full Scholarship from Columbia University.
Full Scholarship from Athens College.
Dolashik award for best academic average from Athens College. Davis Award for demonstrating exemplary conduct and character of the college spirit and sense of commitment and duty towards society.
Award of the Hellenic Diabetes Association for the poster presentation in EASD 2016, Munich, Germany
Award of the Hellenic Diabetes Association for the poster presentation in EASD 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
Award of the Hellenic Endocrine Society for the oral presentation in the Panhellenic Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008, Athens, Greece
Chantziara K, Ioannides G. Chapter Diabetes Mellitus, Postgraduate Courses in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Evaggelismos General Hospital, 2014.
Chantziara K, Vlassopoulou V. Chapter Obesity, Postgraduate Courses in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Evaggelismos General Hospital, 2014.
Recent Publications
Maniotis C, Koutouzis M, Andreou C, Lazaris E, Tsiafoutis I, Zografos T, Chantziara K, Nikolidakis S, Kyriakides ZS. Transradial Approach for Cardiac Catheterization in Patients with Negative Allen’s Test. J Invasive Cardiol. 2015 Jun 15. pii: JIC2015615-2.
Chantziara K, Laferrère B, Pi-Sunyer J. Bariatric Surgery for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: a Step Closer? Expert Rev. Endocrinol. Metab. 9(3), 231–237 (2014)
Chantziara K. Setting the body’s energetic homeostasis. Hospital Chronicles
Maniotis C, Chantziara K, Kokkoris P, Papadogiannis D, Andreou C, Tsioufis C, Vaiopoulos G, Stefanadis C. The AGT and the GNB3 polymorphisms and insulin resistance in prehypertension. Hormones 2014; 13 (1): 79-86
Maniotis C, Papadopoulos C, Chantziara K, Andreou C, Dimitriou P, Zografos T, Manolis A, Kyriakides Z. Is hypoclinical hyperthyroidism suspect for cardiovascular diseases? Cardiology Opinion 2013; 8(2): 216-224
Chantziara K., Tzanela M. Thyroid autoimmunity. Hospital Chronicles 2011; 73 (Suppl 1): 227-239
Mantzourani MG, Chantziara K, Thanopoulou I, Variami H, Vaiopoulos G, Pangalis GA. Coexistence of Behcet’s disease and chronic myelomonocyte leukemia with trisomy 8: A case report and review of the literature. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; Mar-Apr; 27 (2 Suppl 53): S85-7
Chantziara K, Karagiannis T, Vesleme V, Mantzourani M, Griniatsos J, Androulaki A, Meletis J. Flashes in haematopathology-case 14. Haema 2005; 8 (3): 528-529
Antoniadis A, Chantziara K, Karagiannis T, Chatzinikolaou P, Mantzourani M, Meletis J. Flashes in clinical haematology-case 31. Haema 2004; 7 (3): 389-390
Carroll RS, Zhang J, Chauncey BW, Chantziara K, Frosch MP, Black PMcL. Apoptosis in Astrocytic Neoplasms. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 1997; 139: 845-850