Goniotaki Eleni Internist
Assistant, 5th Internal Medicine Department HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Medical School Degree, University of Ioannina
- Training in Internal Medicine specialization (experience in clinical oncology) supervised by G. Rigatos & A. Alexopoulos in St Savvas Hospital, Anticancer Institute in Athens.
- Laboratory experience in the Department of Ultrastructure in Research Centre of Oncology “G. Papanicolaou” in St. Savvas Anticancer Hospital, supervised by Dr. I. Voloudakis – Baltatzis.
- Training in Internal Medicine specialization supervised by M. Pararas in P.G. Evagelismos Hospital in Athens.
- 1996: Internal Medicine specialization.
- Specialized course of infectious diseases supervised by G. Saroglou in P.G. Evagelismos Hospital in Athens.
- Ph. D. research on Studies in primary cultures from malignant and non-malignant breast tissues after treatment with chemotherapeutic agents”, supervised by N. Agnantis, Dept. of Pathology, Medical School, Univ. of Ioannina
- Oncology Training with special interest in breast cancer (London, UK); Honorary Registrar in Oncology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, ICRF Department of Clinical Oncology, Breast Unit.
Postgraduate Studies:
- London Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical Oncology, Breast Unit
Doctoral thesis
University of Ioannina: “Cell Culture on Breast Cancer cells (unpublished).
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
ESMO member (European Society for Medical Oncology)
Senologic Hellenic Society (Member of Senologic International Society)
Work Experience
1988-1990: General Physician in the Island of Naxos
1992-1995: Participation in deferential diagnosis problems in Evagelismos Hospital.
1994: Teaching the 4th year students of Medical School, Univ. of Athens, on physical examination and problems of differential diagnosis
1996-2004: Senior Register at Hygeia Hospital (Athens, Greece).